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Step-by-step and day-by-day 9-weeks guided journey from unresolved trauma to embodied safety, freedom, and deeper self-connection.

Explore and gently integrate 100+ practices, frameworks, and reflection exercises that serve your journey of trauma resolution, nervous system empowerment, wholeness, and awakening.

Rediscover a felt sense of choice, strength, and freedom in your body and life and support your system to safely illuminate, integrate and lay down its burdens and defenses.

Day-by-day resources to help and honor your personal healing journey. Get instant access to daily tools and guidance to break through the density of stress, emotional overwhelm and disconnect.

Reclaim and embody your most attuned, empowered, authentic and purposeful self.

Do you feel stuck on your healing journey as though a part of you doesn’t respond to your intentions and interventions?

Do you have the knowledge and understanding but feel confused about how to implement and embody what you know?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the healing “work” or the constant pressure to heal or be "healed"?

Do you recognize the need for trauma healing but don't know where to start?


In this workbook, I guide you step-by-step and day-by-day through a 9-week journey where I share insights, frameworks, practices, reflection exercises, and a variety of tools and resources to build an unshakable foundation and an empowered nervous system for trauma resolution and deeper self-connection.

No more overwhelm, confusion, frustration, stuckness or the endless pressure to be "healed". It's time to meet yourself where you are!

The Self-Attunement Workbook will support you to

Reconnect with your innate healing capacities and biological instincts towards healing, balance, and wholeness and discover how to befriend, rather than blame, shame or disconnect from your reactions and responses.

Rebuild your neural foundation and learn techniques and practices to feel centered, safe and connected in your body as you attune daily

Identify your unique unresolved survival responses and adaptations to stress, trauma, and emotional misattunement, an aspect of childhood trauma that keeps your body in self-protection mode and sustains cycles of emotional disconnection

Grow your capacity for Self-connection and attune to your inner rhythms, needs and boundaries

Build the routines to live in harmony with your MindBodyNature system and not to push through discomfort and override important messages

Stabilize, nurture and repair a dysregulated physiology (a symptom of unresolved trauma)

Integrate timelines and naturally call back lost, fragmented and disconnected aspects of yourself

Cultivate the agency to engage with your nervous system and regulate various polyvagal state


What people like you say about the Self-Attunement Workbook

"Your workbook and the tools you share inside helped me feel more connected to myself, more alive, freer. I got what "embodied" means. I’m so much more attuned to my experience and able to reconnect with my husband in such a healing way. I’m finally able to just be with my kids and come back to being the mom I've wanted to be for them but was always too overwhelmed to be. I also have moments of dysregulation, but I’m able to notice them and use them as info. I’m not scared of being dysregulated or overwhelmed because I feel like I can handle it. It is the first time in my entire life that I feel so grounded, safe and connected for a sustained amount of time and not just fleetingly. It helps so much to have the workbook as a guide or anchor so I don't have to think too much about it and end up just not doing it. I just read and follow. It's an excellent tool Ally, great job! "


"This work here is finally bringing me home, and as I connect more to myself, the healing is happening on its own and the tons of transmissions I've received and the work that I've done are also integrating more. Your workbook is my bible these days and it is the best thing that happened to me after having children."


"Ally has created a masterpiece! This workbook is thoughtful, well-organized and easy to follow especially for those of us with a high dysregulated nervous system. Sometimes, I just flip through it and see what feels right for my nervous system that day. This is the beauty of this workbook, you can take what you need day by day and you will always be on track. When I attune to what I need at the moment, I come back to myself and be present which in my opinion is the ultimate goal of this workbook. The practices in this workbook have changed my life as they have brought me more peace, attunement, and the feeling of being at home in my body. This is a gift!"


"Such ongoing gratitude for the Self Attunement Workbook. Every day, turning on a new workbook page is like a gift. I can see more Grace and levity in relationships. Less reactivity, less personalizing, and more listening. I feel more tenderness toward my body, the first time ever perhaps in my life, knowing it holds all the answers. A shower is even taken with more awareness and gratitude for the sensations and smells. I stop and take notice more often when I get triggered and the same for when there are moments of lovely exchanges or relief. I notice it more in the body instead of tossing it aside because it's not significant enough for my mind. Less racing thoughts and being distracted. I may still feel like a loser for not having purpose-driven work or drive in general but I also feel I am more committed to not doing things for the sake of distracting, staying busy. Many many thanks for your remarkable workbook."

Z B,

"The workbook is empowering in that it offered me simple ways and practices I could understand and utilize myself to connect to my body and also totally disarmed my protector parts (finally!) with love and respect. I feel I have a totally new way to understand trauma healing & it is a HUGE RELIEF! To create more safety resources and support and the healing comes naturally. There's no forcing, just building and allowing and I feel so relieved. Because there is relief."



Note: There is no physical version of this workbook, however, you will receive a 100% downloadable and printable version (can be printed at home, at your local library, or a print shop) as well as a digital version to use on your laptop or tablet.

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The SELF ATTUNEMENT WORKBOOK is a 9 week guided journey from unresolved trauma to embodied safety, freedom, and deeper self-connection.

The 211 pages digital and printable pdf workbook includes 100+ easy to implement exercises, rituals, insights, tools, and reflection prompts designed to:

Build your foundation for trauma resolution

Harmonize your mindbodynature system

Rebuild and rewire your neurobiological capacity and emotional containment

Shift the way you relate to your protective layers



I’m Ally, a Life Transformation Coach with a focus on trauma resolution and nervous system attunement. I'm passionate about healing, transformation, and unlocking human potential and I’m so glad that our paths have crossed!

I've created this workbook to be of help to you. The Self Attunement Workbook includes insights, 100+ practices, and reflection exercises rooted in experience and embodied understanding to support you in building an Empowered Nervous System, a deeper self-connection, and a new relationship with your symptoms and challenges. Every day, for 63 days, you will be guided step-by-step through weekly resources and a variety of simple, gentle, and skillfully designed exercises, inquiries, rituals, and explorations to reconnect you with your innate potential for healing and transformation.

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The journey of trauma resolution is the journey of ultimate liberation!

I first began to feel unsafe in my body as a young kid mostly triggered by the fear and shame of expressing my feelings and being myself around my parents. Like most of us, while growing up, I didn't pay much attention to these feelings and fears, or to my body. I can see now, how these unwitnessed experiences made my system organize into a self-protective mode and develop a variety of adaptations to cope with the pain and the emotional misattunement. I call this the Unresolved Trauma Blueprint. Later on in my life, a series of shock traumas amplified these feelings of terror, shame, fear, and inadequacy in my body and in life. I felt confused, betrayed, and overwhelmed. The call for transformation awakened and the need for healing emerged.

My journey was a trial and error practice until I realized that attunement, restoring core innate resources, and making choices in alignment with my nervous system held the key towards clarity, deep healing, and transformation. That's when everything shifted and I stopped searching for the "magic" technique or trying various healing modalities and began actively engaging, trusting, and empowering my own rhythm toward resourcing and healing. This workbook will teach and guide you through this process.


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The workbook is broken down into 9 weekly themes skilfully designed to work together and build on each other. Each week then follows day-by-day guidance, insights, rituals, and practices to offer support and access to new resources. Here are the 9 weekly themes:

Week 1: Body Attunement. Discover how the body is impacted by unresolved trauma and how to reconnect somatically in a way that is safe and deeply received by your body. Step-by-step daily guidance and practices to rest, root and welcome yourself home to your body.

Week 2: Reclaiming the instinctual body. At the level of instinct, trauma is resolved spontaneously and naturally. Discover daily practices to reconnect with this powerful resource and empower your healing journey.

Week 3: Befriending the layers of protection. What we deeply desire may not be familiar to our nervous system protective parts. Discover how to befriend them daily so they become your greatest ally and source of wisdom on the healing path.

Week 4: Awakening the senses. Sensory overload is a common response to unresolved trauma or misattuned healing. Learn how to avoid overwhelm and remember the core resources that come from getting back to your own sensory needs and the things that your system longs for to calm, integrate, and reorganize.

Week 5: Self-Reconnection. In disconnection, you turn down the volume of your own essence so low that you become a stranger to your own life. In this week, you’ll be guided to reconnect to your essence and natural expression and learn valuable tools to create profound shifts for your life and wellbeing.

Week 6: Attuning through rhythm, ritual, and cycles. A traumatized nervous system has a narrower bandwidth of experiencing life and becomes quite vulnerable to hurt and reactivity. Align with the support that comes from attuning to nature’s cycles and rhythms. This alignment allows you to reconnect with the natural healing capacities of your system.

Week 7: Sovereign in my body. A common symptom of unresolved trauma is experiencing a pervasive sense of emotional enmeshment and overwhelm (lack of emotional boundaries and containment). In this week you lay out the foundation for restoring sovereignty within your body through restoring boundaries, personal agency, and emotional containment.

Week 8: Relational Resonance. Both your woundedness and your capacity for wholeness lay in harnessing your relational field, not only the relational field with other human beings, animals, and nature but also the relational field underneath all your inner life experiences. I call this potent healing container and energetic web, Relational Resonance, and this week guides you through the practices to harness it and up-level your transformational journey.

Week 9: Embodied Safety. Your mind can understand a lot about trauma and survival strategies but what “does” the healing is the embodiment of safety and authenticity. This week guides you through the practices and insights to embody this foundational resource for healing and transformation.

The simple, yet powerful exercises, inquiries, and experiences have a cumulative effect. Day-by-day, step-by-step, little-by-little, following the daily guidance and exploring the practices with curiosity and openness, the brainstem receives new messages of safety and connection.


What people like you say about the Self-Attunement Workbook

"Thank you for writing this workbook. No one ever told me how to do this work, and it has been extremely challenging trying to tackle this without tools. I'm so grateful for the tools you provide and thank you with so much genuine love and gratitude from the bottom of my heart."


"The workbook is practical, relevant, and applicable. I was able to easily and safely put into practice the things you are teaching in the workbook. It is truly excellent and I am grateful to you for all you are doing"


"This is the information and guidance that I was looking for so long. It is truly a personal guide in a workbook. I felt so safe knowing that I can reach you anytime. Bless you, Ally!"


"I’m able to navigate my way through the week without feeling overwhelmed or distracted and this is something I never thought was possible for me. I'm able to stay present more often, identify and integrate much more sources of support than being taken over by stress and anxiety. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I recommend the workbook to anyone on a journey of trauma healing. The practices are simple, easy and Ally explains trauma in a very clear and insightful way."



This workbook is designed to support people on a path of trauma resolution, nervous system empowerment, wholeness, and awakening. No matter if you're just getting started on this deeper path, or traveling on it for a while (and everything in between), the 9-week self-attunement journey will meet you wherever you are on your life's journey.

Who else can benefit?

Coaches, healers, and therapists who want to have a set of trauma resolution-focused exercises, practices, and frameworks to support their clients.


What happens after I buy the workbook?

Once you make your purchase, you’ll be redirected to a page to download your digital product. It is yours for life. This workbook works in cycles of 63 days. More cycles, deeper attunement, deeper healing.

Is there a refund policy for this purchase?

Please be mindful about this purchase as there's no refund for this digital product.

What happens if I purchased the workbook but I haven't received the document?

If you purchased the workbook but haven't received the email with the download, please send me an email at [email protected] and I will send your copy

Is this product self-paced?

Yes, this is a self-paced digital workbook. You can go as fast or as slow as your system tells you. I will be with you every step of the way as your virtual trauma resolution coach.

How much time per day do I need to dedicate to these practices?

This is up to you. In the workbook, I recommend between 15-20 minutes daily to explore and implement the practices.

How is this different from your posts on Instagram?

On Instagram I offer insights and understanding while on the workbook I take you on a day-by-day 9-week guided journey to have an embodied and experiential understanding. In the workbook, I offer a more linear experience and have included potent practices, wisdom, frameworks, and reflections that I've never shared on Instagram. Also, if you’ve benefited from my free content on Instagram by purchasing the workbook you will support my work.

Is there any other payment option, like PayPal?

Yes, you can buy the workbook using Paypal by accessing the following link



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